This past weekend Rogers brother Eric and his wife Janielle and their cute little girl Lindsey came to visit us. We had so much fun while they were here! We went to feed the ducks and Lindsey loved it. We were worried that she was going to jump in and swim with the ducks! I know I've posted about the ducks before but it seems like we just can't get enough! (cheap entertainment!) We found a new place in St George called Jumpin' Jacks and its just a bunch of big blow up toys that you can play in and on and climb and jump and just get plain tired! The girls loved it! Macee was nervous at first but she jumped right in and loved every minute of it! We have another new favorite place to go now!!! YAY!!! Eric and Roger and Janielle had races and the little girls loved going down the big huge slides! They all got nice and tired and we all had a very good nap that afternoon! We went to church on Sunday and BBQ'd some hamburgers and had a nice game of "Rope the Dope" (if you want to know what it is you have to come to my house and play, I will post pictures soon) and for my neighbors who thought we were weird, especially A., you will become addicted when you play!!! (thanks Grandpa L. for making us one!)
Thanks for coming to visit us! Come back soon!
Lindsey with the ducks!
Here they all come!
Macee and Lindsey playing in one of the toys at Jumpin Jacks!
Climbing up the Huge slide!
Macee and Roger! I don't know who had more fun!?!?
Cute Girls! We love you Lindsey Loo!