Here's a sneak peek at my little cowgirl on her grandpas horse.
I have so many pictures that I just downloaded and I am so behind on blogging. We've been busy trying to get everything for our new house picked out and making sure its all getting done that I haven't been able to think about anything else! All I can say is I can't wait until papers are signed and we sleep there in our bed for the first time! I never realized how stressful building a house can be and I don't want to do it again for at least 10 years! We're supposed to be done by the end of August but I'm thinking we probably won't be able to move in until the first couple weeks in Sept. so I'm crossing my fingers that everything comes together quickly!
Macee is starting dance again tomorrow and can't wait! She loves every minute of it and is good at it so I hope she continues to love it! I am going to be doing a preschool with 6 other moms starting in Sept. and Macee is so excited to "Go to Preschool!" We had our meeting to plan everything today and she had to hurry and come home and get her backpack ready and all of her "supplies". She would go tomorrow and everday after that if she could! She loves to learn and I am excited to be able to do this with her. She is very excited about having a new baby in our family too! She talks about "the baby" all the time and loves when people ask her about it. She will be a great big sister and a really big helper to me!
Roger is still training for the St George Marathon in Oct. so we'll see how that goes! He's been busy with work and all of the new students coming back and hiring all of his new workers. I think he'll be glad when this week is over so he can get back to his job instead of doing job interviews all day.
I am just keeping busy with Macee and trying to make sure our house building is going smoothly (which it's not!) and trying not to get too stressed out about everything! Hopefully after we get settled and winter gets here I will be able to catch up on blogging but I wouldn't be so sure of myself because I'm a year behind so we'll see!