Thursday, July 31, 2008

She gets her fashion sense from her...

Daddy! My mom has been bugging me every day to post something and she tells me my blog is boring so I thought I better post something! We haven't been doing anything fun or out of the ordinary but I thought that this was pretty funny. Lately Macee has been coming up with quite the outfits and this was one of them! I can't help but bust up laughing every time she does it because she tells us that she's cuute! In case you can't tell what she's wearing I will tell you. She has on a dress with Rogers church socks that go clear up to her belly-button, jelly shoes, her "pack pack"(back pack), her baby, and what girls outfit is complete without her "no-none" (cell-phone)! I can't help but love her to pieces!!

Fashion Queen!!!


I just thought this was a cute random picture!


Aubrie said... is amazing how she has grown and changed!! She is still as cute as ever..we miss you guys..I need you info so next time I am in Ephriam I can call you!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! No more waiting 2 weeks for another new post. (Love the orange carpet!)
Love, Mom

Arin said...

Too cute!! She is getting so big! She really has that fashion touch, thank goodness for dad's church socks!

Lydia said...

She is so big! I can't believe it. I absolutely love the outfit! What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

"IT'S MACEE!!! SHE'S GROWING!!!", said Alexis. The same thought was going through my head. Now the girls are sitting here being sad saying how much they miss Macee. Maybe it is better you don't keep up with the posts then we don't remember how much we miss you all. :) j/k, of course!

Believe in Happily Ever After and it will come true!